May 2021 Energy Update

Make your month easier by aligning your daily activities with the incoming cosmic energy. 💫

May 1-8 

At the beginning of the week there is opportunity to have deep and meaningful conversationsthat can get to the heart of the matter at hand and bring about a transformation. You’ll beopen to these discussions as both Mercury and Venus create an opportunistic angle withPluto this week. These conversations should be also be received well as Venus is also makinga supportive angle with Neptune creating the space for everyone to be more loving andsupportive of each other’s visions, dreams and goals. 

The Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius on May 3 is all about wrapping up your projects anddeciding what you want to keep and what to discard using your vision of what will weatherthe test of time. You’ll be critical in your selection because the Sun and Saturn are squaringeach other. Choose to move forward with ideas that are in your best interest, even if it takesmore effort or makes you uncomfortable. 

Mercury is moving into Gemini on May 3. This is where the sign feels most at ease and itcreates an easy flow of conversion and social networking. You may find that when Venus alsomoves into Gemini at the end of the week there will be a lot of flirtatious energy floatingaround! 

The week will end with two more reflective energies. On May 6 Chiron and the North Node ofFuture Destiny are making a harmonious angle to each other. This reminds you that in orderto evolve toward your life purpose, your North Node, you need to take the time to deal withthe wounds and fears that are holding you back. Chiron and the North Node present theopportunity for you, giving you the energetic support to dig deep and see what you find. 

Just a couple days later Venus squares off with Jupiter, creating either friction or obstacles asyou decide what goals and values bring you the most joy and opportunity to grow.

May 9-15 

As the week starts, Mercury is busy creating harmony with the North Node and Chiron. As itquickly connects with both of these you’ll be more open to discussing what wounds havebeen holding you back. If you have a support group this is a great time to connect with themand open up a chat about life paths, goals, and fears since everyone is experiencing thissame energy. 

Mars is busy creating some tension of its own with Chiron, causing you to feel less motivatedto face your fears or making you feel like you MUST address them all in order to make anyreal progress. Remember that you can get this done in your own time, you don’t have to bowto the pressure of Mars. Hopefully, the support of Uranus and Mars connecting will ease thistension and let you feel good about moving forward just as you are with the knowledge thatyou are a unique person with your own gifts to share. 

May 11, Tuesday, is the New Moon in Taurus. Go ahead and start coming up with ideas forhow you’d like the next 1-6 months to look for you. What do you want to manifest? Whatgoals do you want to achieve? Is there something you’d like to save up and buy? Where could you manifest extra cash flow? Or maybe you’d just like to relax in a place that makesyou feel secure and connected to mother earth. 

The next day when Mercury and Saturn connect you’ll find that there could be a networkingopportunity presented that relates to your plans and goals. Or you may have an easier timecommunicating at work to get a project finished. 

As the week winds down the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are all busy! You’ll seethe ways that your dreams and visions are aligning with your core desires which is exciting!At the same time, you might find that you have to jump through some hoops or havelimitations put onto you in order to reach these goals. Make sure you’re taking the properactions and don’t let your impatience overpower you. This is when mistakes are made whichcan cause more delay. 

At the same time, Jupiter is moving into the sign of Pisces for the next year. You’ll see a lot ofgrowth in your spirituality, specifically in the area of your birth chart that Jupiter is currentlymoving through. You’ll be able to see a clearer vision of your soul life and more easilytranscend the depths of your psyche in a way that will let you expand in a positive way. 

May 16-22 

This is a very busy week, energetically speaking. The Sun starts off making a positiveconnection with Pluto allowing you to embrace the chaos. A couple days later it willchallenge Jupiter and have you wondering if you’ll experience any growth or joy as it relatesto your core essence. 

While this is happening Venus will be making harmonious angles with the North Node andChiron. You’ll be focusing on making money and creating value for yourself through your lifepurpose. Saturn gets a shout out this week also, and will bring stability to your relationships,helping them to reach new levels of maturity. A new relationship may settle into an easyroutine, or you could find a non romantic relationship to help you toward your long termgoals. 

May 20 is the First Quarter Moon in Leo. It’s time to take action on all the ideas from yourbrainstorming sessions and let yourself be guided by what brings you the most pleasure. Telleveryone what you’re working on and let yourself be noticed. 

The week ends with difficulty expressing what we really envision and dream about. It’s ok ifyou can’t put it into words, or properly explain where you’re headed. Just don’t schedule anyimportant meetings where you need to explain yourself right now. 

May 23-31 

The week begins with Saturn stationing retrograde. This actually happens every year and willlast until October 11. Saturn moves slowly so you may not notice any abrupt changes, but youwill slowly begin to take on a more reflective mindset about what you should get done.Usually Saturn encourages us to dig in and do our work even if it’s unpleasant, but for thenext 5 months you may feel less ambitious. 

On May 26 it’s the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. WOW. Eclipses are always excitingbecause they give you an extra burst of supportive energy. This Full Moon is about having anoptimistic mindset as you bring the work you’ve done into the light for everyone to see as anopportunity to both learn and teach. If you feel the desire to travel and share your ideasmore broadly do it around this time. And if you find anything that isn’t working for you,release it! 

In the middle of the week you may feel unclear about where you stand in your relationshipsand it can feel all consuming! Venus is about love and Neptune is considered the highervibration of Venus meaning you have some challenges between love and higher love goingon right now. Allow some grace for yourself and others right now to avoid any overlyemotional scenes for a couple days. Next, Mercury will be aligning with Venus making iteasier to talk through all the emotions that have been flowing…just before Mercury stationsretrograde. 

That’s right, we’re back in Mercury retrograde season! From May 29- June 22 it’s time to beextra gentle with your electronics, double check your emails, and be forgiving oftechnological failures. 

And as May ends we have the Sun, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto and the North Nodesupporting and bringing opportunities. The last two days can bring a deeper understandingin relationships, the feeling of being on the right path, and allow us to see clearly the actionsthat we need to take to reach our dreams. 

Happy May! 

Love and Light,

Pamela ✨

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