
What Is The Age Of Aquarius?

Let’s start with some background. 

These “ages” referenced are based on the vernal equinox, which is when the Sun’s path crosses the equator. Because of the way the Earth wobbles when it spins it takes 2,150 (or 2,160 some say) years for the vernal equinox to move from one sign to the next. The actual start dates of each age are debated. However, many agree that the Age of Aquarius, or at least the build up of its energy, has already begun.

Just like the changing of the zodiac seasons throughout the year, each age and its accomplishments correspond to its ruling sign as well. The Ages move backward through the zodiac meaning we just left the Age of Pisces.  The reason we move backward is because the vernal equinox moves clockwise (as opposed to the zodiac chart which moves counter clockwise).

To get an idea about how an Age defines us let’s look at the Age of Pisces. It was an age of mysticism, spirituality and a belief in the unseen. It lasted  from around approximately A.D. 0 – modern times. During this time there has been huge religious transition. We have seen all the large religions of the world begin to rise and dominate culture. It’s also when people looked to the supernatural to explain anything and everything, including illness. See where I’m going?

The Age of Aquarius is the next stage in our evolution and a time period marked by a very evident change in humanity. We are shifting away from a deep unquestioning belief in organized religion as having all the answers and toward a more individualized belief that life and even spirituality can be explained in other ways, such as through reason and intellect. If the Age of Pisces can be marked by religion, the Age of Aquarius will certainly be defined by science and doing whats best for the collective.

The Age of Aquarius will bring all things Aquarian to the surface as we become more forward thinking and embrace change. Think about all the progress that has been made, things that were once thought of futuristic now exist. We have electricity, cell phones, w-fi, computers, television, modern medicine, and let’s not forget space travel. The ability to envision things that don’t yet exist and make them a reality is the mark of Aquarius. 

From a spiritual perspective, during the Age of Aquarius we will be more comfortable looking at our existence from a celestial perspective with the freedom to challenge the restrictions of organized religion and question is this structure actually working for us? And why we are really here?

No one can say for sure when the Age of Aquarius begins but we can use the historic events and transitions around us as an indication. We can also feel the growth in our collective consciousness. We are all awakening to something bigger than ourselves and making decisions for the greater good. I wish I could live to see this entire age play out because I have a feeling we are going to discover some mind blowing things as our vibrations continue to rise.

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