
Crystal Grid For Protection

“I am safe. Positivity and peace surround me”.

Keeping yourself, your space, and your home protected from negative energy is an important but often overlooked ritual. How can we operate at our highest vibration if we are energetically drained by negativity in our personal and surrounding spaces?

This grid can be used for many types of protection:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Home/Sacred Space

Most people spend a great deal of their time at home and having a place that is safe and sacred is a key part of your health and wellness. 

Creating a protection grid in your home will help you to transmute and remove negative energy from your aura and private spaces.



5 black tourmaline
4 Jet
4 selenite
3” Clear crystal wand

optional for personalization:


Meet The Crystals

Black Tourmaline is ideal for anyone wishing to purify energy. It is a highly grounding stone and connects our energy to the earth creating a circuit between us. This connection is what helps us to adjust to all the changes we experience more easily. With black tourmaline you can release anxiety and worry, remove toxins from your energetic field and body, and protect yourself from negative energy or attachments. It will absorb harmful energy and create a shield around your auric space.

Jet is a stone of purification and protection. It has the ability to absorb negativity, clear negative patterns, and transmute these into neutral energies. It is used as a grounding stone and can clear the body of impurities.

Selenite is a powerful stone for positive energy that provides protection in a gentle manner. It can clear, protect and shield your energy and space from stagnant or negative energy. Selenite creates a peaceful energy promoting wellness and has the ability to amplify energies.

These stones work together to quickly clean and clear your space of all negative energies and create a protective energy barrier. The energy remaining inside your home is positive, peaceful, and supportive.

Crystal Grid Ritual

  1. Choose a place for your grid. You want this area to be clear of other crystals and energy. Also look for a space that won’t be disturbed.
  1. Spend 5-15 minutes grounding yourself. You can do this with meditation, by holding a grounding stone  or using another method you already prefer. You want to create a sacred space to let the grid creation and energy to be the focus. 
  1. Create a cohesive intention for your grid, focusing on creating the protection you are seeking, and repeat it to yourself gently as you continue the remaining steps. If you wish, you could write your intention on a piece of paper and place it under the Black Tourmaline in the center of the grid. You can also choose to use the intention above.
  1. Place your crystals on the grid. The stone placement is shown on the pattern. Decorate your grid with any optional items that inspire you.
  1. Use your clear quartz wand to repeat your intention as you energetically connect the stones and activate the grid. To do this, start at the center stone and trace an imaginary line connecting all of the crystals together. 
  1. Leave your grid untouched for 30 days. To further enhance the grid’s power, spend 5- 15 minutes a day meditating with it while visualizing your intention, as if it already exists, and how you feel when you are in a safe, positive and peaceful space. 
  1. Refresh the intention and activation monthly for as long as you wish.

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